Monitoring of Activities in Local Self-Governments Interim Report
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is implementing monitoring of bodies of local self-government in all self-governing commun ...
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) is implementing monitoring of bodies of local self-government in all self-governing commun ...
The present report is an account of monitoring the 2014 local self-government elections of Georgia by the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED). ANNUAL report
International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy presented the final report of monitoring of 2014 Local Self-Government elections. Please find the attached presentation bellow. Final Versuon Final Report 2014pp Eng 17102014
Parties were not being particularly active during the pre-election period of the second round of the local self-government elections. Compared to the pre-election period of the previous round, the number of meetings held by candidates with voters s ...
On June 6, the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy published third interim report of monitoring the June 15, 2014 local self-government elections. The report covers the period from May 11 through June 1. ISFED performs monito ...
სამართლიანი არჩევნებისა და დემოკრატიის საერთაშორისო საზოგადოება 2014 წლის 16 მაისს დააკვირდა თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტში ჩატარებულ სტუდენტური თვითმმართველობის არჩევნებს. ორგანიზაციამ მონიტორინგი განახორციელა არსებული 12 უბნიდან 6 უბანზე. ესენ ...
During the reporting period the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) monitored pre-election campaign throughout all municipalities of Georgia. ISFED’s coordinators attended total of 134 public meetings fro ...
Even though it was expected that elaboration of the Local Self-Government Code and reforming of the Election Code would bring about fundamental changes in legislation, final outcomes of the reform fall short of the initial ambitious plans announce ...